So why, I ask myself, did I find these two items at work yesterday:
Exhibit A: autumn leaves.
I spent weeks before Christmas, raking up every fallen leaf in this particular garden.
And yet, yesterday, first day back after my short winter break, I found a barrow-load of them.
Did they all blow into "my" garden from elsewhere?
Do the birds pick them up, fly over and drop them? (and if they do, how many leaves can an African swallow carry?)
And then there was this - a Scabious, in full flower, with several more flowerheads just opening.
Did they not get the memo that they are summer flowerers?
I know that a lot of people moan on about how the seasons are
changing, they're not predictable and straightforward "like they used to
be". Which begs the question, have they EVER actually been neat and
tidy 3-month slots?
Or is it just a fact of life that we all mis-remember the days of our youth - those long hot summer holidays, the snow at Christmas: are they all just a fake mix of inaccurate memories and fake memories from films and books?
And if so, which months do you think belong to which season?
I'm going with:
Winter = Dec-Jan-Feb
Spring = Mar-Apr-May
Summer = June-Jul-Aug
Autumn = Sept-Oct-Nov
What do you think?
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