Friday, 12 May 2023

To see a world in a grain of sand.....

.... or to see an entire little ecosystem, all alone, with no human interference:

Isn't that great?

Spotted last week, whilst on holiday - yes, shock horror, I do actually go on holiday from time to time! 

This is the crotch of a large old Ash tree, and this was about at head height: the crotch formed a little pocket where debris, and water, would collect, and in a while, plants started growing.

I could see grass, a fern or two, some cow parsley, a wild geranium, and a couple of sycamore seedlings, along with what could turn out to be a dandelion - hard to say, with only one leaf to look at - and, of course, moss. 

It rather reminded me of those gardens-in-a-bottle that you sometime find: quite self-contained, do you know the sort of thing? I had one, for several years: some of the plants grew too large for the bottle, and although I was careful not to overwater it, it eventually succumbed to mould. 

This one, however, will probably flourish, for some time, at least, because it's open unto the trees and to the sky (second poetry reference in one article, I should go away on holiday more often!) so mould won't be a problem: although I think the cow parsley and the Sycamore might turn out to be too large... and of course, it won't have any human interference, as it is quite literally in the middle of nowhere: so it won't get weeded, or weed-killed.

I do rather like the idea that no-one planted it, no-one tends it: it started of its own accord, and will continue to grow until, well, there's no reason for it to ever stop growing, really: even if the tree were to die and eventually fall over, the rotting wood would just be more nutrients for this tiny little garden.

If some of the occupants become too big to be supported, they'll die: and more weed seeds will drift in from above, to take their place.

Rather lovely, I thought.


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