“February brings the rain,Thaws the frozen lake again,”
Or, more typically:
Thank you, to several Members, for informing me that the poem is called The Garden Year and was written by Sara Coleridge. Now I know!
And we did indeed have rain in February... rain, rain, grey skies, more rain... oh, and don't forget the frost, ugh!
There was even one day where, having scraped the ice off the windscreen, and sat patiently inside for ten minutes waiting for everything to defrost, demist, and be perfectly clear (I never understand those people who chip out a tiny peephole in the windscreen, then drive off, leaving all the other windows still blanked off with frost on the outside, and mist on the inside....it's against the law, you know, as well as incredibly stupid): err, where was I?
Oh yes, super-cold morning, barely above freezing....
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