This is one of those topics which is just soooo much easier to demonstrate than to describe... but I've have five people ask me about Tree Peonies in the past few days, so - as I still haven't managed to get a Go-Pro sorted out - you will have to bear with my descriptions, instead of a quick five-minute video. Sorry about that!
Right, Tree Peonies: these are actually small shrubs, and instead of being cut down to the ground every year, which is what we do with our “normal” bush Peonies (I wrote about this recently), they have stout woody stems, and can get quite large.
The most popular one - in the photo above - has yellow blooms: it is variously called Paeonia lutea var. ludlowii. or Paeonia delavayi var. ludlowii, or Paeonia ludlowii... obviously a chap called Ludlow was involved in the breeding of this shrub, at some point, and he is determined that we all know it!
Anyway, although most of the Tree Peonies you will encounter.....
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