Friday 23 December 2022

Log stores can be things of beauty

Recently, I built myself a log store in my back garden, for seasoning small logs before burning them in my chiminea.

It was thrown together out of odds and ends of lumber: left overs from DIY projects, odd lengths turned out of other people's sheds, you know the sort of thing. 

 Here it is, not quite finished: the roof will have a waterproof layer on top, and I'm wondering if it needs something like a shower-proof cover across the front, just to keep out the rain if the wind swings round to that side...

But as you can see, big enough for a fair amount of wood, and a special gap for my old recycling box - remember when we all had those? - which contains kindling.

I was intending to paint it, as I find that creations made from "found" wood tend to look horrible, but a coat of paint suddenly renders them beautiful. Much of my garden works on that principle: my fencing is a horrible mish-mash of the original plank fencing, trellis, odd fence posts, and bodged-up joins, but once it was all painted, it looked lovely! 

So, I was going to paint this one, but actually I find that I quite like it in shades of brown, so it might remain like this, for a while.

Well, I was moderately proud of it: it does the job, and it looks ok, if slightly amusing: and then, going out to work for a new Client, I found this:

Isn't that just utterly charming!

The lady who owns it says it was there when they moved in, some 20 years ago, and I just love the idea that someone took the trouble to fit a frame into this otherwise un-used corner, and then to put a proper, beautiful, tiled roof on it.

I now have Log Store Envy...

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