This is not so much a "how to" article as a "hey, look at my great scythe!" sort of article.
This dates back to early June, when a Client sent me an impassioned plea - "we can't get into the meadow any more, help!" so I grabbed my scythe and went round to see what was going on.
Oh dear, I see the problem.
Yes, it's a bit hard to get in through the gate, isn't it?
And the grass is rather too long for the mower, isn't it?!
Luckily, the scythe is quite literally designed for this situation, as it loves long grass, it loves cutting wet grass, and with a bit of practise, it's easy to manoeuvre it around narrow entrances and odd corners.
And there it is, done.
OK, I didn't show you the huge piles of cut grass which I had to laboriously rake up and cart off to the compost bins (which were then somewhat overflowing, oops), nor did I mention the three times I had to stop and make conversation with neighbours, passers-by etc.
It's an odd thing, you know, but when I had a petrol strimmer, not one person ever, EVER, stopped me for a conversation while I was using it.
Not once.
Now, every time I get my scythe out, people stop to ask questions.
Which makes a mockery of the question "is a scythe faster or slower than a strimmer?"
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