Friday 13 March 2015

Free Field Guide: Violets and Pansies

Ever wondered what the difference was, between Violets and Pansies?

Ever been faced with a small Violet and wondered if it was a Dog Violet, or could it possibly be an Early Dog Violet?

Wonder no longer! Download the latest Field Guide and find out for yourself!!

Here's the link to the Field Guide To Violets and Pansies, and as you can see, it's free to download for anyone with Kindle Unlimited.

However, special treat, it's free to everyone this coming weekend, 14th/15th March!! Yes, free! And it doesn't even matter if you don't have a Kindle, as Amazon kindly provide a free little programme ("app") which allows you to download it to any other device, or even to your pc.

So there you go, no excuses: download it, then get outside and start looking for violets to identify!

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