Friday 3 November 2023

Architectural oddities: the wall-eating outhouse

I often come across odd things in "my" gardens, and this one always makes me smile.

It's a small outbuilding, which appears to have a section of old walling erupting from it, in "Alien" chest-burster fashion.

This has lead to many minutes of happy speculation, while I've been weeding or working around it: it's clear that the back wall of the brick outbuilding, the face on the right, is stone, rather than brick.

So there must have been a stone building there, and the red brick was added on, using the existing wall as one of its four walls. 

But did the stone building continue to our left? Or was it abutting an older stone wall - judging by the size of the stones projecting, which would appear to be larger than the stones used in the wall.

Was there originally a massive old wall, which then had a stone building attached to it, which then had the red brick outhouse built onto it, but then the original wall fell down?

Or maybe the original wall formed part of the stone building, but when the stone building was taken down - all apart from this one wall, which was by then part of the red brick outhouse - the wall was removed as well, but they found they couldn't get it all out without destroying the outhouse.

You think they would have tried to make a slightly neater job of it, either way. I don't suppose I will ever know, because the current owner has no information about it.

So the remaining question is:

Is this a wall-eating building?

Or a wall, eating a building?

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