
Friday 14 June 2024

What's “No Mow May?” I hear you ask.

I mentioned this in a short article a few days ago, and I've had several people ask me what No Mow May is; is it worth doing; and why, when they tried it last year, did they not get a single wildflower appearing.

So, what is it? It's a well-meaning (but not really very well-thought-out) suggestion or “movement”, aiming to persuade the owners of small domestic gardens to stop cutting the lawn throughout May, in order to “encourage more bees to their lawn”.

The idea is that if you leave the grass uncut for a month, lots of wildflowers will pop up, surprising and delighting you, and giving the bees some early nectar.

Nice idea... but does it really work?....


To see the rest of this article, please hop over to Patreon.

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